How does the Potjie Fountain work?
1. The POTJIE FOUNTAIN is placed in the pot after the meat has been “ braaied “or braised for 5 to 10 minutes.
The meat is placed round the POTJIE FOUNTAIN at the bottom of the pot and your delicious sauce/gravy can now be added. (Make sure that there is nothing underneath the POTJIE FOUNTAIN except sauce/ gravy that can circulate/percolate.)
After 20 to 30 minutes you can start adding the veggies to the potjie (in the order of your choice).
2. As the heat rises, the pressure between the potjie’s bottom and the POTJIE FOUNTAIN rises. The liquid is forced up the potjie fountain’s stem and is then percolated through the holes at the top of the POTJIE FOUNTAIN. This cooks, flavours and tenderizes the meat and vegetables during the cooking process. - Giving it a delicious texture and taste.
3. The advantage of having the liquid circulating/percolating is that the Potjie cannot/will not “BURN “(under normal temperatures).
NB. Make sure that there is always enough liquid (sauce) in the potjie.
After about 40 minutes your Potjie should be ready to be served – Usually to the thunderous applause of your guests - acknowledging your Master Cheflike abilities.
The POTJIE FOUNTAIN is manufactured out of 316 'Stainless Steel' that has been laser cut and pressed for product similarity and quality. (Much time and energy is spent on the product to ensure effectiveness.)
Gerhard 021-949 6443 or 082 788 8305